Frequently asked questions

Information and documents

You can find all the details about the call at The documents you need to submit a project are available at

The regulations and manual are only available in Dutch. The templates are available in both Dutch and English. Some sections of the template must be filled in Dutch.

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General project information

Upon registration in the Crossroads Bank for Enterprises (KBO), each entity is assigned an enterprise number (unique identification number). The structure of the enterprise number is established by royal decree of June 23, 2003, and takes the form, where the first digit is either 0 or 1.

The applicant must have at least 1 establishment in Flanders. Here, "Flanders" refers to the territory of the Flemish Region and the municipalities belonging to the Brussels-Capital Region. In addition to having an establishment in Flanders, an applicant must also have demonstrable activity in the Flemish Region. Please check the conditions in the call regulations for further details.

The concept of 'enterprise' is broadly interpreted within the framework of the project call and encompasses a wide range of possible organizational forms, including companies, consulting firms, NGOs, non-profit organizations, research institutions, universities, and colleges. This applies to both dissemination and/or capacity building projects as well as demonstration projects.

Only the account with which the project was created has access to and can work on the project.

Registration and submission of a project

Each company, acting as the applicant, can have a maximum of 4 project proposals accepted for further assessment of eligibility. If more than 4 project proposals are submitted involving the same company as the applicant, only the first 4 submitted project proposals, according to the timing of submission on the submission portal, will be accepted and included in the eligibility check. Any excess submitted project proposals will not be checked, even if it turns out that some of the first 4 submitted project proposals are ineligible.

After registration, most fields can still be modified during the submission phase. Only the KBO number, the main applicant, and the main applicant's business address cannot be changed.

You can submit your project proposal from 8 May 2024. Your project proposal must be submitted no later than 21 June 2024 at 10:00 AM CEST.

For demonstration projects, your project proposal must be registered no later than 26 April 2024 at 2:00 PM CEST and must be submitted no later than 21 June 2024 at 10:00 AM CEST. For dissemination and/or capacity building projects, there is no registration phase. Your project proposal must be submitted no later than 26 April 2024 at 2:00 PM CEST.

Dutch is the primary language. The templates are available in both Dutch and English. Some sections of the template must be filled in Dutch.

Upon submission, the project proposal is final.

You can send your questions to The G-STIC team will get in touch with you as soon as possible.

Content of a project proposal

All countries included in the list in Annex 1 of the regulations are eligible. Projects can be aimed at supporting one or more neighboring countries. Projects in focus areas, combined with the specific themes in the respective countries and regions, will receive a bonus point in the relevance selection criterion due to their connection with the Flemish foreign policy.

Each project partner must provide a clear and substantial contribution to the project. A project partner commits to the project and thus also makes its own contribution to the project. A subcontractor has no commitment to the submitted project proposal and is only remunerated for their specific performances.

The project proposal must be fully climate accountable. This is the case if the project's main objective is to limit the negative impact of climate change on living and environmental conditions (adaptation) and/or to reduce greenhouse gas emissions (mitigation) in developing countries. The decision tree in Annex 3 of the manual can be used to determine if the main objective is sufficiently focused on climate action (mitigation and/or adaptation). The climate objective (mitigation and/or adaptation) must be explicitly stated as primary in the description of the intended objectives and the associated activities of the project.

Project budget

All budget rules apply to the total project budget. For example, a maximum of 10% overhead cost may be included in the total project budget (subsidy cost + co-financing).

No, there is no general regulation, but each project partner must indicate which costs are borne by which partners and also how the subsidy amount is distributed.

A dissemination and/or capacity building project can be subsidized up to 85%, with a maximum amount of 500,000 euros per project. The own contribution to the project can be financed from the project partners' own financial resources or other financing sources, such as other subsidy programmes.

A demonstration project can receive a maximum support amount of 2,000,000 euros. The cumulative support percentage (total state aid per partner, relative to the partner's share in the project costs) may not exceed 60% for small enterprises, 50% for medium-sized enterprises, and 40% for large enterprises, as determined in the AGVV. Be sure to consult the manual for the definition of state aid.

Other questions

Please describe your issue in as much detail as possible and send an email to We will get in touch with you as soon as possible.

You can send all your questions to We will get in touch with you as soon as possible.
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